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The Magic Johnson Community Empowerment Center at Autumn Woods Apartments in partnership with Choices for Success, Inc., a local non-profit is hosting a Community Appreciation Day and Back to School Drive scheduled for Saturday, August 22, 2009 at Autumn Woods Apartments from 10 am to 2 pm. The purpose of the event is to celebrate the diversity of our community and encourage academic achievement for the upcoming school year. The Empowerment Center has partnered with several non-profit organizations that will be offering a variety of youth enrichment programs throughout the academic school year designed to promote and encourage academic excellence, school attendance, self awareness, social empowerment and discourage negative behavior and under achievement. As such, we are seeking your support, in making this year Community Appreciation Day and Back to School Give Away a success.

Back to School Supply Drive !!!

  The Magic Johnson Community Empowerment Center of Autumn Woods      Apartments is conducting a Back to School Supply drive for the students in the  Autumn Woods Apartments community.  The purpose of the  Back to School Supply Drive is to help the children in Autumn Woods  to get ready for school by  providing them with new, much-needed school supplies.Supplies are accepted at any time; however it is best if they are dropped off before August 18, 2009. Distribution will be made on August 22, 2009, during the Community Appreciation Day Celebration. Supplies can be dropped off at The Magic Johnson Community  Empowerment Center, the Autumn Wood Leasing  Office or Bladensburg Police satellite office.

Help Us Help The Chrdren!!! 

 Needed Supplies

Crayons, Backpacks, Protractors and compasses, Scissor

Rulers, Pencils, Erasers, Sharpeners, Post it notes, Colored pencils

Pens (Blue, Black and Red), Spiral notebooks, Glue/Glue SticksPocketFolders, Composition Books, Paper